We Danced on Saturn's Rings

by Larry O'Neal

Well, we danced on Saturn’s rings
Bounced off the moon on springs
Got a lesson in judo at a dojo on Pluto
Kicked butt like the Kuiper belt kings

Then we circled ‘round the sun
Sent postcards back to everyone
And we closed down the disco, on the huge moon Callisto
Where we both weighed a good metric ton

Well, we rode a comet’s tail
Surfed a fighter jet’s chemtrail
Took a nice long vacation in a big constellation
Did hard time in a Jupiter jail

Played a round of golf on Mars
Got thrown out of Neptune bars
Took a scenic safari ‘round Alpha Centauri
Got autographs from the brightest of stars

It’s super subatomic how we got so astronomic
With adventures so widespread
But what we did on Uranus
Is better left unsaid

Written by: Larry O'Neal

Submitted by: ukularry on July 13, 2020

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