
by CaliBerXL

CaliberXL, also known as Darryl van der Merwe, is a unique musical artist in the rap/singing genre. He has a unique approach to music, as he barely writes lyrics and prefers to freeflow and go with what sounds good according to the theme of the track. This gives his music a raw and authentic feel, …

Knocking on the door - Let me in or there'll be war
No surprise there, thats all you can stand for
Don't tell lies or you'll be dead on the floor
I don't tell lies bet that hurts you to the core
I will show you what it means to be in pain
You don't scare me bruh, what is it that youre saying?
Imma let go of this beast inside
What the fuck bro! Tame your dark side!
I've warned you three times now the fourth times a charm
Alright bro! Alright! Imma take my shit and go
You'd better get out quick or my hearts goin cold
Alright bro I'm going just keep your beast on hold
No can do this beast doesn't hide
Oh fuck! What the fuck! Cant you do something about it?
You now have 2 options either: Live or Die

So I guess thats how the story ends
Shot him three times in the head and nows hes dead
With his body on the floor - Blood coming out yo
But now hes waking up, wait
Hes waking up - What!

Boy, you cant kill that which is already dead
Im gonna allow this knife to pierce through your neck
And im not gonna feel remorse 
Or go through any guilt
Ive given you enough warnings
Now im just releasing the pressure built

Written by: CaliBerXL

Submitted by: cryptosporidium on May 19, 2020
