Saturday Night

by Pussy willows and pancakes

Saturday Night   
Come on and give yourself up this time
You can lie around later when there's nothing in life
To keep you amused or adjusted just right
And feeling as perfect as Saturday night

Come on and give yourself up to the fight
There's a holy religion where god's always right
And she begs for forgiveness while speaking so polite
To say there's nothing as perfect as Saturday night
Nothing is as perfect as Saturday we go
Round and round in my bed
Round and round in my head
Round and round like I said
Nothing is as perfect as Saturday night
There's nothing as perfect as Saturday night

They say that our time is reserved for the light
The one that we see at the end of our life
But it may just be a billboard that's lit up real bright
To show us the way to a Saturday night
To show us the way to a Saturday night
Round and round in my bed
Round and round in my head
Round and round like I said
There's nothing as perfect as Saturday night
Nothing is as perfect as Saturday night
So pass me the remedy that works the way I like
While I try to recover from Saturday night
Sat 6/23/2012...Start 6:20pm...Finish 8:55pm
Word and Music by Mark Manthei  copyright June 28 2012

Written by: Markmanthei

Submitted on: May 12, 2020
