Sun and Air, Wind and Fire

by Unknown Artist

I still remember
The first time I saw you
Nothings ever been the same
Cant think of nothing else
But to be by your side


Youre the wind that fan my flame
Youre the breeze that cools me down
Youre the reason that I breathe
The very air inside my lungs
And I know...


Cant be without you know
Cant live without your love
Cant breathe when youre not around
Youre the wind that fans my flame

Gemini, You and I
Were always meant to be
Gemini, You and I
a match made in the sky
Sun and Air, Wind and Fire
Breatheupon me now
Blow me where you will

Leo Rap:

Not so long ago
I was just a flickering flame
Like a candle in the wind
Then you came along
And breathed upon my flame
And look at me now
a raging fire, a blazing inferno
driven by the torrents of your breath

Breathe on my flame, Gemini
Breathe on me till i burn high
Cos without you Im just a coal
Just an ember, just a spark
Just a tiny, flickering flame
Like a candle in the wind

Submitted on: February 10, 2019
