Lady's Freaky

by Truck Parker

Truck Parker is an American Hip Hop Recording Artist/keyboardist/singer songwriter Residing in Dallas, Texas, born in Elmhurst (a suburb of Queens, New York). He took classical piano, theory, composition, and performance at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music at age 8 and was a Percussion Major at L…

I like to make my ladies freaky, ya feel me
They leash me, we get kinky
They don't need to thank me
I like to keep my ladies near me, ya hear me
We connect, they know there's 
no one like me...
I'm a real keyboard player, from Dallas Texas originally from New York so I don't miss my exes
I been on the scene for years
I played in bands, piano bars
I had one night stands
Making couscous with a chic
Is what I call it
They might as well have taken the money right out my wallet.
When I look back at the money I spent
I could have been a Trump
A real estate king
There's no point of beatin my head against the wall now
Gotta get past the mistakes I made somehow.
Don't need to spite me, just ask me what do I do for living? nowadays I move cars all day, sometimes nights I'll gig on the weekend, what kind of life is this? this ain't living!
So I give it all I got, I try to breakout
Nothing ever happens though I end up sleeping out, at a different chic's house every single weekend, the kind of thing I do with them gets them really Freaking' its how... 
Sooooo you won't forget me right?! Things aren't adding up I don't know what I'm here for slipping through the cracks I know that I been here before, trying to keep my head in the game it isn't easy when all I do is think of a name that's gonna please me. I can't sleep at night cause I'm always really busy, trying to drink myself to sleep just makes me dizzy, they're just spinning their wheels trying to break me the more i try the more everybody hates me

Written by: Truck Parker

Submitted by: truck_p on August 23, 2018
