
by Souleye

Souleye has earned rave reviews and a rabid following for his rousing and powerful style that challenges paradigms and incorporates Hip-Hop, EDM, R&B, and Funk. Souleye has been touted as, “Hip hop’s medicine man,” “America’s new leading edge voice,” and “a modern day hip hop warrior.”

Verse 1 

I believe in a world where war no longer exists / 
We negotiate instead of hate / 
Now that’s what I’m talking about / 
The natural state of human happiness / 
Before the neglect and the trauma hit / 
Judgment definition of my character / 
A rarity these days for me to meet someone / 
Who can look me in the eyes and have me feel like a loved one /
I know there’s cultural, social, and institutional / 
Family issues and provocative victims /
Who set them selves up to loose / 
There’s intent behind the action that’s made /
It’s kind a crazy when you think about  /
The things people say / 
Out of defense while there acting out / 
Younger than their kids throwing tantrums /
Loose cannons carrying hand guns / 
Time bombs ticking ready to self-destruct 
Your mind can be a land mine /
Just don’t give up 


You don’t even know my name yet / 
And you already got me labeled / 
You don’t even know my name yet / 
And you don’t seem to want to learn / 
You don’t even know my name yet 
And you already got me labeled / 
You don’t even know my name yet 
And you don’t seem to want to learn / 

Verse 2 

Rough times / Lack of sun shine and Vitamin D / 
An in adequate diet car is running on empty / 
Imbalance in your brains, chemicals is nasty / 
And I know people who think they can fix it themselves / 
Next thing you know they’re living in heaven / 
But it feels like hell / I pay attention to the small details / 
Why would I want to get angry at someone beeping their horn? / 
I don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors / 
I tell my son that they’re in rush / Maybe they missed their lunch / 
It’s not our business anyway so let them pass / 
Let’s get on with our day / It’s a bright clear sky / 
Today’s not cloudyayyyyyyyyy / Yeah its smooth like that / 
When you look eye to eye / And feel the souls contact / 
Contracts that I write I keep them all win win / 
That’s the benefit of giving, see there’s love in the end / 

Verse 3 

I live life I don’t let life live me /
I wear my clothes cause I wanna /
Not cause there cool / Your life’s an art piece a book / Bestseller 
Realize it’s okay to make mistakes / don’t dwell on / 
The voice in my head is not me / 
I change my perspectives and I take a different view / 
You’ll be amazed when you open the cage / 
Let the animals free then show them where to eat / 
I heard the story about judgment and the book / 
Bad vs Good / Right vs Wrong / Life vs Death / 
Light vs Dark / All of this seems incredibly separative / 
No wonder there’s people feeling Alienated 


Imagine a life / I wonder when it will be /
When your neighbors are your friends / 
And we are one community / 


You don’t even know my name yet / 
And you already got me labeled / 
You don’t even know my name yet / 
And you don’t seem to want to learn / 
You don’t even know my name yet 
And you already got me labeled / 
You don’t even know my name yet 
And you don’t seem to want to learn /

Written by: Souleye

Submitted by: souleye on March 02, 2017
