1 Rip 3 Shit

by Primrose Class

Primrose Class is the hip hop group from New York. Alive the Scooby Doo, the group was horrible for introductions that demons Horrorcore that's is 1997 release KING SOLOMONS MINE.

Who Am I? 
 My father also told me to be kind to nature. 
 I may have amnesia, but I'm not stupid! 
Trust no-one! 
You've got two choices. Give us the disk and jump off.  Or number two, we take the disk and throw you off. 
I like the third choice: I keep the disk, and I throw you both off. 
Game's over, let's finish him! 
Who is it? 
No, it's Who am I? 
What did you do with the disc? 
My father also told me, "respect nature" 
 I dropped it somewhere. 
The children thank you. 
Why do you want to destroy life, when you can make it better? 
Feels good? 
In the tradition of every film
outtakes appear under the end credits
All of Jackie's outtakes involve bloopers only
The only injury on the outtakes is a stunt 
driver being brought out on a stretcher

Submitted on: December 29, 2014

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