I met you

by Cowgirlsss

I met you on a summer's day, just by chance
Your smile, it caught me off guard, left me in a trance
We started talking, laughing, like we've known each other for years
In that moment, I knew, there was something special here

Oh, love, it's a crazy thing
Makes you feel like you're flying with no wings
But with you, it's so easy, so free
Just two souls, dancing in harmony

We spent the days exploring, hand in hand
Every moment with you, I can't help but understand
That love doesn't have to be complicated or grand
It's the little things, the simple joys, that make us feel so grand

Oh, love, it's a crazy thing
Makes you feel like you're flying with no wings
But with you, it's so easy, so free
Just two souls, dancing in harmony

We don't need fancy dinners or expensive wine
Just your laughter, your touch, and your hand in mine
We're taking it slow, no rush, no need to pretend
In this casual love, we'll find a love that won't end

Oh, love, it's a crazy thing
Makes you feel like you're flying with no wings
But with you, it's so easy, so free
Just two souls, dancing in harmony

So let's keep it casual, let's take it slow
We'll let our love grow, and let it show
In this casual love, we'll find our paradise
Forever entwined, in each other's eyes.

Written by: Cowgirlsss

Submitted by: addisonbloodworth on May 04, 2024

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