Scared For The Climate

by Love, Builder of Worlds

Love, Builder of Worlds is a London born, Dublin based (Nigerian) Yoruba person and multi-disciplinary artist. A poet, philosopher and producer, they feel free to cross disciplines from photography, to script writing to painting and digital art.

Can I be scared for the climate
Cuz i am scared for the climate 
Lets clean the seas more 
Feed the  bees more
Can I be scared for the climate
cuz i am scared for the climate 

While the dust storms
Arctic seas warm
Plastic sea shores
The fishes need more
Can I be scared for the climate?
Cuz I am scared for the climate
An the brightness
It's a crisis
Crude hunter traps 
Destroyed habitats
Plus the hurricanes
Things ain't been the same
Can I be scared for the crisis
Cuz I am scared for the crisis 

Extreme winters 
Extreme weather
They keep lyin'
They keep drillin'
Too much money
Too much spillin'
Can I be scared for the climate
Cuz I am scared for the climate

**Guitar solo**

We're done listenin'
We're done learnin'
We're done listenin'
We're done learnin'
Must we be scared for the climate
For our future we are fightin'
We the people against the giants 
We must keep hope can't be silent
We must keep hope can't be silent
From the continent to the islands
From the continent to the islands
From-the continent-to the islands
All my people we must rise yeah
All my people we must rise yeah

Can I be scared for the climate?
Can I be scared for the climate? 
Cuz I am scared for the climate

Can we planet for our planet??

Written by: D Johnstone

Submitted on: April 22, 2024
