McMahon and his Sons

by kevin

@kevins_famous_chili on BandLab Talents Guitarist, Keyboardist, Drummer, Vocalist, Bass Player, Other

Oh father, dear, I oft times here you speak of Erin’s isle 
And the sturdy Sons of Dublin, who defend us far and wide 
But what about old Belfast where, some awful sites were seen 
Because their sons would not deny the orange white and green 

It happened in this country not many years ago 
When the blood of gallant Irish men down Dublin Streets did flow 
Was the Easter week rebellion and our rebels took a blow 
The cause been Irish freedom in the blazing GPO 

From Dublin down to Belfast came The real old Gaelic way 
Was orders from headquarters for to join in the affray 
A murder was committed we were driven to despair 
When a band of orange specials, they did murder, Willie Kerr 

They took him from his humble home, these villains for to slay 
And they also took along with him McBride and Halfpenny
They took them all across a field before the dawn of day 
When they were found next morning all three had passed away 

Twas then the news went all around that we would surly scorn 
It was the hanging of young Barry on a cold November morn 
And not long after Barry died the tears that made us wail 
For our gallant Terrence McSweeney who died in Brixton jail 

But the latest of these murders there’s one will not forget 
To shoot an Irish family, this murder was well set 
It happened in the dead of night These villains armed with guns 
Began the wholesale murder of McMahon and his sons 

Their mother watched the slaughter of her own beloved ones 
And cried, sir do have mercy on my husband and my sons? 
They bid them all come down the stairs they have no more to dread 
When suddenly some shots rang out all and six of them fell dead 

So that is how the story goes that I have told to you 
But the boys who shot McMahon’s will see a day they’ll rue 
So all you Belfast Catholics, revenge but not with guns 
But pray the Lord have mercy on McMahon and his sons 

(Alexander McBride, William Kerr and Malachy Halfpenny 11/06/1921) (Owen McMahon, his 4 Sons and a barman 24/03/1922)

Submitted on: March 03, 2024
