
by Four Way Anal Touchfight

Born in Denmark in 1970, the boys were infused with a love for music and a penchant for literary wrestling. Many trips to the Danish seaside were essential to inspire the combinations they first experimented with. However, modern Danish music provided the boys with little stimulus and reason to pro…

I see you flip backwards
In a move I envy
Your skill is your ultimate

I gravitate towards your
Pelvic region
My eye stares
Because of sheer awe

Heat is a byproduct
Of perfect friction
Generated by your kickouts
Your kick

Kicking (so important)
I fall far down
I stand up and notice
Your pelvis

One time I came upon you
With great surprise
Your executed fight moves were right
Were right

My face
Snapped back with your fight
Your pelvic thrust
Was the force

The force
The force

I saw your pelvis once
In a pure state
I kneel your pelvic region to me

I know your fightpower
Number one
Pelvic region
Pelvic region
Pelvic region

Written by: Gyy & Bryy

Submitted by: fourwayanaltouchfight on November 22, 2023
