Christmas star

by Lisa nicklas


There's a star up there
 I see every night
It's a christmas star
 That shines so bright

And many people don't know
 Why it is there
But the christmas star
 Puts magic in the air

The magic of christmas
 The magic i see
In the little ones eyes
 Lights up the world to me

When we put the star
 Up on our tree
Its a symbol
 Of that star i see

The glory it brings
 In so many ways
That christmas star
 Shines bright on christmas day

It's there to remind us
 What we we must do
Like giving to those
 Who really need you

That christmas star
  Up in the sky
Is there to help us
  Remember why!

But the meaning of christmas
 Is so misunderstood
It's not the presents,or the lights,or even the food

It's the love of family
 The love and friends and such
That christmas star
 Gives us so much

Just remember that
 Christmas star up there
Is putting that christmas
 Magic in the air


Let me know if these lyrics are anything you would be interested in...not really interested in being a songwriter ...just.lyrics...had a couple interests...but want to do contracts...not interested in that....thanks
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Submitted on: October 10, 2022
