World Poppadomination (The Poppadom Song) by Jimmy Greenwood

by Jimmy Greenwood

The Poppadom Song 2001©
Turkey Vindaloo For Christmas 2021©
World Poppadomination 2022©
All lyrical parody rights reserved by Jimmy Greenwood, Mikey Sinnott
All copyright claims to the MUSIC owned by Jona Lewie and should be directed to Jimmy Greenwood who takes full legal liability for using someone else’s tune and making people laugh. 
Sometimes comedy is the only way to get people to listen.
 Imitation is one of the highest forms of flattery.  There is no intention to offend any of the brave soldiers who died for Britain in World War Two. My grandfather was a Gloster Meteor test pilot and was lucky (or unlucky) enough not to have to face “the enemy” but many soldiers spent long Christmases at war. 
Stop the Cavalry was and still is a war protest song and has NEVER been more important than today.
If you’re offended - it’s probably because you are offensive. 

Written by: Jimmy Greenwood

Submitted by: jimmy.greenwood on October 06, 2022
