Holy spirit

by Ralph Ushie

Ralph Ushie was born in 4 Sept, 1992. And was born into the family of Mr & Mrs. Joseph Ushie in Cross River State, number 2 out of 4 siblings. I grew up in the northern part of Nigeria Taraba state where I attended both my primary and secondary School then letter move to Calabar in cross River …

Touch me holy spirit
Holy ghost
Have your way in us, in us
Holy Spirit have your way (2x) in us

Come holy spirit
Fill the heart of the faithful
And incandle in us
The fire of your love
Send forth your spirit
And we shall be recreated 
Let the fire fall again
In my life
Fall again fall again
In my life 
Let the fire fall again
In my life

Touch me holy spirit
Holy ghost
Have your way in us, in us
Holy Spirit have your way (2x) in us

God has shown us 
How much he loves us
By pouring in us the holy ghost
This is the Lord's doing
And is marvelous in our sight 
Let the Piller of fire 
Just like in the upper room
Let the fire fall again
In my life
Fall again fall again
In my life
Let the fire fall again
In my life

Touch me holy spirit
Holy ghost
Have your way in us, in us
Holy Spirit have your way (2x) in us

God consuming fire 
To the wicked 
But purifying fire 
To the faithful
When the spirit of the Lord shall come
The young shall see vision and prophecy
When the spirit of the Lord shall come
The old shall dream dreams 
We are priestly people of the Lord
We are the Lord witnesses 
In this world

Touch me holy spirit
Holy ghost
Have your way in us, in us
Holy Spirit have your way (2x) in us

Written by: Bro. Ralph Ushie

Submitted by: raphushie19 on May 29, 2021

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