
by Diandra Lynch

Hi! My name is Diandra Lynch, I'm 16 now. I live in Wisconsin. And I miss troy Montana.

I was drop dead missing you,
           'cause like boy I miss you,
           I've been up and down with you
           I feel like I could go anywhere with you,
           I killed my bad side for you,
           I waited just for you to come to me.

           I loved you with a my heart,
           I loved you more than life..

            I killed myself deep down,
            Deeper than I can say,
voice]  Darker than the night sky
            Darker than my own soul
            I killed myself,
            I hate myself,
            I feel dark all around

voice]  Boy I could love you all over again,
            And I do,
            I see how mad you can get,
            And you know how mad I get.
            So you know how we can be,

            We need to stay as one,
            Never get mad at eachother, never feel out of place.
            Can you help me with a thought,
            Can you stop my head from thinking like this,
            From feeling just like this,

            Feeling dead and unsatisfied,
            Broken and disfigured,
            Mad and rude,
            Being a rude dude,
            Me being a rude girl,
            Us being killed from our past alone,
            Being killed from when we didn't know each other.

            I was drop dead missing you,
            Flirting with you all in a day,
            Taking sh*t,
            And feeling like sh*t.

            And I'm still drop dead missing you.

Written by: Diandra Lynch

Submitted by: diandra_l on January 27, 2021
