The bone song

Song parody of The cup song by Anna Kendrick

I got 206 bones in my body
they help me in everything i do
without your bones youd be a lumpy sack
so lets learn about bones what do you say
Oh my bones
oh my bones
You would miss them if they were not there
they help you run, help you walk
they help you eat, they help you talk
you would miss them if they were not there
Oh my bones
oh my bones
you would miss them if they were not there
they help you run, help you walk
they help you eat, they help you talk
You would miss them if they were not there
I got two kinds of bones in my body
together they build up my skeletal system
It's got spongy
It's got compact
although its not really spongy
and together they make up my skeleton.
Oh my bones
oh my bones
You would miss them if they were not there
they help you sing, help you smile
so lets sing this song for a while
oh your bones, youd miss them if they were gone.

Written by Sarah Steinhagen

Submitted on: May 11, 2021
