The grass gay team

Song parody of A Team by Ed Sheeran

Nike flips, frail vase
Breathing in airplanes
Burnt tongues, flour based
Kite’s gone, days end
Struggling to pay Brent
Long fights, strange den
And they say
She's in the grass gay team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since caffeine
But lately her face seems
Slowly shrinking, wasting
grumbling like Leify ❤️
And they scream
The cursed things in life come free to us
'Cause we're just under the supper stand
And go chad for a couple clams
And she don't want to go outside, tonight
And in a pipe she flies to the motherland

Written by D�dn Michaelis

Submitted by: on May 21, 2019
