dragon train

Song parody of Dinosaur Train Theme Song by Jim Henson

dragon train
dragon train
Once upon a time there was a mom
Here name was Mrs. wyvern
Sittin' on her nest she heard a stratchin'
And said
Oh boy, my eggs are hatching
One by one her kids popped free
Baby wyverns one, two, three
I'll name you spitfire, tiger, and longinus
But spitfire said
Wait, there's one more, mom
Last little baby was a different size
With snake body and a tail and big red eyes
He didn't look anything like the rest
What am I doin' in a wyvern nest
But dear old Mrs. wyvern said
Oh this is your family and I'm your mom
You may be different, but we're all creatures
All dragons have different features
Come on buddy, we'll take a vacation
I'll get us some tickets at wyvern station
We'll travel the world through sunshine and rain
And meet all the species on the
dragon train dragon train)
dragon train dragon train)
We're gonna ride, ride, ride, ride
The dragon train

Written by a dragon fan

Submitted on: January 20, 2023

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