Carole of the Curves

Song parody of Stairway to the Stars by Ray Eberle

Let's look at Carole-of-the-curves,
And think of Carole-of-the-curves,
With her beside us to fill the night with a song
We'll hear the sound of violins
As thoughts of Carole’s legs begin,
Her eyes will guide us as we go drifting along
Can't we sail away on a lazy daisy petal
Over the rim of the hill?
Can't we sail away on a little dream
And settle high on the crest of a thrill!
Let's look at Carole-of-the-curves, that lovely Carole’s legs and curves;
Oh, lovely Carole; I’d climb to heaven with you!

Written by George&GermaineBriantFan

Submitted on: November 22, 2022
