Guru Paduka Stotram [Stotra]

मुग्धा वैशंपायन

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मुग्धा वैशंपायन

मुग्धा वैशंपायन is a talented Indian classical vocalist known for her soulful renditions of traditional ragas. Her captivating performances showcase her mastery over various styles and nuances of Hindustani classical music. With her melodious voice and expressive approach, she has garnered recognition for her exceptional contributions to the genre. more »


 The easy, fast & fun way to learn how to sing:

Ananta Samsara Samudra Tara
Naukayitabhyam Guru Bhaktidabhyam
Vairagya Samrajyada Poojanabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Kavitva Varashi Nishakarabhyam
Dourbhagya Davambuda Malikabhyam
Doorikruta Namra Vipattitabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Nata Yayoh Shripatitam Samiyuh
Kadachidapyashu Daridra Varya
Mookashcha Vachaspatitam Hi Tabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Naleekaneekasha Pada Hritabhyam
Nana Vimohadi Nivarikabhyam
Nama Jjanabheeshtatati Pradabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Nrupali Mouleebraja Ratna Kanti
Saridvi Raja Jjashakanyakabhyam
Nrupatvadhabhyam Nataloka Pankte
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Papandhakaraarka Paramparabhyam
Tapatryaheendra Khageshwarabhyam
Jadyabdhi Samshoshana Vadawabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Shamadi Shatka Prada Vaibhavabhyam
Samadhi Dana Vrata Deekshitabhyam
Ramadhavanghri Sthira Bhaktidabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Swarchaparana Makhileshtadabhyam
Swaha Sahayaksha Dhurndharabhyam
Swantaccha Bhava Prada Poojanabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam
Kaamadi Sarpa Vraja Garudabhyam
Viveka Vairagya Nidhi Pradabhyam
Bodha Pradabhyam Druta Mokshadabhyam
Namo Namah Shri Guru Padukabhyam

 The easy, fast & fun way to learn how to sing:

Written by: Adi Shankaracharya

Lyrics © Phonographic Digital Limited (PDL)

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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    "I was painting a picture. The picture was a painting of you."
    A Kelly Clarkson - Because of You
    B Bic Runga - Sway
    C MYMP - Especially for You
    D Aurora - Runaway

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